The 4th StudentsxCEOs SUMMIT 2015 : Be a Sustainable Leader!

From now I’ll write all of the stories in english. Yes, that’s the one of several positive effect to my life from this program. Held for 2 days in The Centre Of Japanese Studies, University of Indonesia, Depok. I met many great speakers who inspired me well. They always told us “We shouldn’t have to afraid failure and be brave to dream.”

There were series of event and I would summarize the great quotes and things from the speakers in past 2 days.


Just like another event, it started with opening speech by committee and continued with keynote speech.

Keynote Speech by :

Mr Jimly Asshiddiqie

( ex-Chief Justice of the Indonesian Constitutional Court)

Two things I loved from Mr Jimly. First, he came from Palembang just like me lol. Second, his quotes.

“Education is about egality”

He told us about the importance of egality in education that means there shouldn’t be a gap between teacher and student. Nowadays, in Indonesia it really happen and we felt it as a student. We afraid to ask our teacher about something that we don’t understand because we ‘respect’ our teacher. This is totally wrong and can makes our generation hard to adapt in this era. Mr Jimly said that the teacher should open minded to the student. They have to share about their experience, open forum discussion so that the student can learn about teacher’s fault and know how to handle a problem in the right way. I thank to him for the lessons that makes me braver to questioning everything what I actually do not know.

Skills-up Workshop by :

Recca Li 

(Chief Creative Officer of UnleashID)

A charismatic and funny consultant. He told us how tu run business in sustainable way.

“Sustainable business is a SHOW of BALANCE”

He believes that the sustainable businesses has to contain these components.

Planet, People, and Profit. I can’t share specifically because it’s too many words if I wrote here. He is a great tinker and I will be happy to see him sharing again in another chance.


The participants were groupped as several groups and I was in E-Commerce Class.

Alif Priyono

(Chief Marketing Officer at

I was late and regret to miss any moments that he shared. But I love the way he teached us about E-Commerce and increase my knowledge about the business model itself.

“The biggest TV in the world is YOUTUBE”

“Create Internet Creative”

He shared everything about E-Commerce and many participants enthusiast offering him several great questions. Seems I was alone that not interested in E-Commerce than another participants because I felt my passion wasn’t in this subject.

CEO Story by :

Dian Pelangi

(Owner Dian Pelangi Boutique)


an Inspiring businesswoman. She has great vision and noble mission for Indonesia and Moslem. In future, she believes that Indonesia will be the center of Moslemah Fashion just like Korea which well known by their K-Pop. Great story by her, you can just type her name in google and many famous media create her full story of life and business.

Wempy Dyocta Koto

(CEO Wardour & Oxford)

“Don’t afraid to fail. Don’t blame the others for mistake. Stressful is not problem”

Another charismatic leader in the world. One of my role model in consulting business which is my dream business. His intonation, spirit and everything was so great. The words from his mouth was really really inspire everyone in the rooms. Reminds me to achieve my dream bravely and don’t ever postpone it.


I feel so grateful for these 2 days opportunity. I will work harder to catch my dream then.

Thanks for inspiring great people!

Writer recommend reader to join next StudentsxCEOs SUMMIT and feels the great experience and insight by yourself.


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